By Peg Remsen
I am a Quaker…
A dedicated Quaker
I support the Quaker Testimonies
and try every day to live by them.
A very important one is that of Peace.
I try to live by that Testimony every day.
I try to always choose the path of love
and nonviolence.
I abhor guns and war and violence
and would do anything to avoid war.
I recognize that that is a basic tenet of
However, I also believe that it is wrong
to attack innocent people, or invade
another country.
I believe it is Quakerly to defend those
being attacked or harmed.
It is not Quakerly to ignore or avoid
conflict when it involves the misuse
of power and pain inflicted on others.
It seems there are times when the only
way to stop the killing of the innocent is to
bring down the perpetrators of that
There are times when nonviolent resistance
will only enable more violence and killing.
I have to trust the Inner Light to guide me
to the path of greatest Love.
When the testimony of Peace conflicts
with the testimony of integrity, after much
thought, I must choose to come to the
aid of the Innocents.
I am a Quaker.