Submitted by Jane Nickodem
Blessed are the Quakers who are the mystics, the
scientists, educators, the cooks, the window washers,
the holders, the healers, the privileged,
for together we can build.
Blessed are the truth sayers, the contrary ones, the poets,
the seekers, the doubters, the believers,
for together they can shake the foundations.
Blessed are those in community,
for they are not alone.
Blessed are those who reach under the fence, over the wall,
across the divide,
for they will show us the way.
Blessed are the risk-takers, who step out of comfort,
for they shall explore new lands.
Blessed are those who stay in for the long haul, those who
turn the other cheek and don’t turn back,
for they shall be trusted.
Blessed are those who listen to the stories of our elders,
for they will be respected.
Blessed are those who remember the ones who went
before us in the struggle,
for they are well grounded and will keep us real.
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for they shall find joy.
Blessed are the humble listeners,
Blessed are those who live their faith as witnesses,
Blessed are those who take the words of Jesus seriously.
Blessed are the broken,
for they shall become a new whole.
Nancy Peterson, November 2010
Northern Yearly Meeting
Faith and Practice 2017 p. 61